Welcome to my internet space

Hello, I'm Trivernis (he/they), a german software developer, working on way too many projects at once. I primarily use Rust because it's just the best programming language.

Some Projects


A media management tool written in Rust and Angular. It uses tags to sort images into categories and can be run fully headless. Furthermore it can be run in a classic server-client fashion as well as a single desktop application.


A discord bot written in Rust. It provides commands for playing music, searching for xkcd comics, finding image sources etc.


A Rust libary to get a generic representation for any rust type. The library features a derive trait to create a rusty value from any type. The value can be inspected by using match expressions.


A Rust library to store all traits alongside a dynamic value. Usually dyn types in rust only support one non-marker trait since the fat pointer representation of a dyn type only includes one pointer to the data and one pointer to the v-table of the trait. This libary creates even fatter pointers for trait objects to store multiple v-table pointers alongside a data pointer. This way you can create dyn objects that are both Clone and Debug. Also this libary is super unsafe.


A custom markdown flavour with a parser and html renderer written entirely in Rust.

And there's even more on my Git and GitHub...